E42 Suzy Deurinck on connection, being, social skills, and 247 horse welfare

2021 ibuzz podcast May 08, 2021

Suzy Deurinck is from the Netherlands and is the owner of the horse consultancy company Deurinck Paardengedrag & Welzijn (horse behaviour and welfare).

 Suzy shares she is not as the typical horse lady. She tells us how she started being interested in horses, talks about her academic career and her MSin Animal Science, wanting to help changing the odd training methods in horses. 

 Suzy introduces her thesis work in dog training and welfare, and how head and neck posture affecting horse welfare. She talks about her data collection and her research findings. 

 Suzy brings a nice story of a magical connection with Joy, a horse she care for very muchand gives some other examples of connection between animals and humans. 

 Suzy talks about her work running the consulting company, analyzing training videos, facial expressions, and other horse behaviours, trying to help and guide people in everyday situations and social skills, and the use of positive reinforcementSuzy explains some misconceptions in horse training, caring and riding.  

Sabrina and Suzy discuss horse welfare seminar they worked on together, including the adaptation of a related 24/7 horse welfare workshoppreferences in horses, and the importance of choice and control, and some practical examples such as a semi-autonomous stable design. 

Suzy shares information about a training program she is developing for horse professionals and concludes the podcast with a nice story of her guinea pig, enjoying time together. 

Read more about her consultancy company and contact Suzy HERE 

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