Seminar in France on Take care to give care, Trainer-animal interactions & Respect as a transformative force


Seminar in France in French on Take care to give care: Prendre soin de soi pour prendre soin des autres

"I look forward to hearing Sabrina again inspire professionals to keep their own well-being part of the equation. I often see passionate professionals who get educated to do their job better with more knowledge in their field. They are aware it can drain a lot of their energy and influence how they practice; yet, so few of them have the tools and techniques to keep it up and be able to take care of themselves. Thus I look forward to hearing Sabrina again inspire them to keep their own well-being as part of the equation. Sabrina makes it a whole experience: not just a few words to cheer up, but another perspective for another lifestyle", say seminar organiser Ingrid Mulson from K9 voice.

En quoi consiste ces deux jours ?

Nous ne pouvons donner aux autres, et le faire durablement, que si nous aussi nous nous sentons bien. Pendant deux jours, Sabrina nous proposera des outils et des techniques pour mieux prendre soin de nous, afin que nous soyons à même de nous accorder du bien-être à nous aussi.

Que vous soyez éducateur, comportementaliste, vétérinaire, soigneur en refuge ou zoo, promeneur, pensionneur, vous êtes les bienvenus. Ces deux jours vous aideront à étoffer votre boîte à outils pour être à votre meilleur. Se sentir bien tout en faisant du bien.

Pour plus d'information et comment s’inscrire clique ICI


What do people say who already have been in workshops with Sabrina:

"Sans conteste, cette conférence était la meilleure à laquelle j'ai assisté en plus de 25 ans de travail avec les animaux. Je suis Sabrina Brando depuis presque aussi longtemps, et elle a toujours été à la hauteur. L'étendue de ses connaissances est étonnante. Sa compassion pour les animaux et les personnes qui travaillent avec eux est une source d'inspiration et de réflexion. Peu de personnes peuvent enseigner le bien-être animal comme Sabrina Brando." - Runar Ness

"J'ai été fascinée par l'expérience, les méthodes et la façon de penser de Sabrina. Elle veut vraiment ce qu'il y a de mieux pour les animaux et il est facile de comprendre l'oratrice, comment approcher un monde meilleur ensemble. L'une de ses plus grandes qualités en tant que conférencière/enseignante est la façon dont elle vous aide à comprendre. C'est tellement humain, elle se soucie vraiment de tout le monde et cela se sent. L'atmosphère est détendue et stimulante. Vous trouverez des changements, petits et grands, dans votre façon de penser et de résoudre les problèmes, qui vous aideront en tant que professionnel et/ou en tant que propriétaire d'un animal de compagnie. Enfin, en général. J'ai adoré les conférences de Sabrina ! Elle a eu un impact énorme sur ma façon de penser, sur la façon dont j'aborde mes clients humains (dressage de chiens), maintenant je le fais avec plus de patience et de sympathie. Mais la partie consacrée à la formation était également très intéressante !" - Sissa Bjarglind Ingólfsdóttir

"Lors de ses présentations, Sabrina Brando ne se contente pas de nous donner la définition du mot "compassion". Elle nous montre à travers des exemples concrets et des recherches passionnantes comment améliorer notre bien-être, celui de nos apprenants, de nos collègues, de nos interlocuteurs. Un séminaire d'utilité publique pour tout professionnel travaillant avec des animaux, humains ou non humains." - Lisa Longo

Trainer – animal interactions
August is all about animal training in the animal wellbeing platform. We have released various resources about different topics such as motivation of dolphins during training sessions, or the evolution of zoo husbandry training practices.
In the past, animals were often trained to perform entertainment behaviours together with trainers. However, modern facilities now focus on education, prioritising behaviours aligned with animal wellbeing conservation goals, research, education, and daily care activities. In addition, training and animal learning also offer animals more choice, control, and complexity. You can read more about this HERE, a paper by Sabrina Brando on husbandry training in marine mammal care programs.

Interactions between trainers and animals are key to promoting animal wellbeing in human care. Animals under human care interact with their caregivers, which over time can turn into human–animal bonds, enhancing wellbeing of both. Focusing on positive reinforcement training allows the caregiver to build trust and a bond with the animals, while at the same time promoting the desired behaviours and creating a stimulating, interesting and safe learning environment. Some human-animal relationships can be very positive, bringing emotional wellbeing to both parties involved, which can be seen as strong connections or bonds (Hosey and Melfi, 2012).
Perceived benefits of trainer-animal interactions can include both care -for example easier animal handling and medical administration, and affective - a sense of wellbeing, and enjoyment at being with the animal. Positive outcomes for both caregivers and animals have been reported, but which factors might influence the development of human–animal relationships? This recent study by Sabrina Brando et al. analyses how a range of variables, including age, sex, animal species and previous bonds with a pet could influence the development of human–animal bonds between caregivers and animals.

Would like to learn more about animal training and other practical animal welfare topics? Sign up HERE to access, share, and learn anytime, anywhere.

Respect as a transformative force

“Every single individual impacts the planet in some way, big or small every day. Every individual has a role to play."
~ Jane Goodall

This month on the planetary wellbeing platform is all about Respect all living beings. This topic is a core value at AnimalConcepts, connecting all platforms and reinforcing our values of interconnectedness.
Respecting all living beings is a fundamental pillar of compassion and empathy, a cornerstone upon which a harmonious and wise society can be built. In a world abounding with diversity, from the smallest microorganisms to the largest creatures, every life form plays an integral role in the delicate balance of existence. Imagine if we treated every living being as a valuable part of a big family. When we show respect to animals, plants, and the smallest creatures, we are saying that we appreciate and care about them.

Think about how a drop of water joins other drops to make a river. Each drop might seem small, but together they create something powerful and important. Similarly, when we extend our respect to all living beings, we acknowledge their inherent worth and affirm our commitment to coexist in a shared ecosystem. At the heart of this ethos is the profound recognition that all life is interconnected. Just as a single note in a symphony contributes to the masterpiece, each living being contributes to the symphony of life. The wisdom of the ancient Native American proverb, "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children", reminds us of our responsibility to protect and nurture all life forms for future generations. As we extend our respect beyond the confines of our species, we cultivate a spirit of kindness that radiates from our actions. We become stewards of the planet, nurturing its delicate ecosystems and embracing sustainable practices.
In essence, when we respect all living beings, we enrich our own lives immeasurably. Our world becomes a tapestry of respect, woven with threads of empathy, compassion, love, and understanding. Let us remember that respect is not simply a virtue; it is a transformative force that can reshape our world. By embracing this principle in our daily lives, we have the power to create a more compassionate and harmonious planet with all other living beings, and for generations to come.

At AnimalConcepts, we embrace every form of life and work towards a harmonious coexistence between humans, animals and all living beings on planet Earth. Earlier this year we adopted the concept of INTERBEING as the overarching name for the interconnected platforms. Discover this term and read more about it HERE


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